Imaginary Play & Role Play

Imaginary Play & Role Play
Early Learning Toys for Sale | The Classroom Store
Creativity often comes naturally to young learners, but you can help with the right tools. Spark their imagination with early learning toys for sale.
Imagination is one of the best teachers. When students role-play and let their imaginations run free, they learn a whole host of valuable skills, such as communication, problem-solving and social, emotional and physical skills. Whether they're pretending to play house, run a grocery store or explore a new land, students can flex their creative muscles and support their success in many academic areas.
To help them get there, The Classroom Store offers a wide range of early learning toys for sale online, including props, figures, puppets and play sets.



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Types of Early Learning Imaginary Play Toys

Imaginary play can come from anywhere — a pencil that becomes a sword, a plastic cup that turns into a fancy glass at a restaurant or a stuffed animal that transforms into a roaring, ferocious tiger. Of course, that means there are loads of different items to choose from to elevate students' playtime. Some of the early learning toys we carry include:
  • Active play items. Get kids moving with floor mats, tunnels and games to spark the imagination.
  • Play sets. Play sets feature a range of kid-friendly versions of items to fulfill their creative visions. We have play sets with camping items, kitchen sets, fake food, doctor and vet supplies, and tools.
  • Dolls and figures. Let kids get a taste of parenthood or place their toys in new situations with our collection of dolls and figures for young children.
  • Props. The right toys can go a long way in boosting kids' immersion. Cash registers, cleaning supplies, costumes and small houses provide more realistic environments and help students enact big-kid jobs such as sweeping or handling money.
  • Animals and puppets. Whether they're playing with critters from the home, farm, jungle, ocean or Mesozoic era, kids love animal role-play, and it can help them discover more about the natural world.
  • First toys. We also carry many first toys designed for engaging the youngest of early learners.

The Benefits of Imaginary Play

Aside from the plain fun it offers, imaginary play can also provide a range of developmental benefits:
  • Social skills: When they play with their peers, students naturally improve their social skills. They can learn about cooperating with others and showing empathy as they take on the role of another person or animal. They might also learn about expressing themselves better, the importance of listening and how to better describe their emotions and mental states.
  • Language development: Speaking with other kids and adults in these engaging scenarios provides an opportunity for students to practice and hone their language skills.
  • Creative skills: Creativity is often described as a muscle. By using it more often and being imaginative, students can better learn about their creative sides and use these skills in the future.
  • Life knowledge and cultural awareness: When they play with other people, kids learn more about the world around them. They might pretend to be a firefighter and start to understand how important that role is or play house with children of other ethnicities and backgrounds to get a glimpse of how their lives may differ.

Buy Early Learning Toys From The Classroom Store Today

With our wide selection of early learning toys for sale, you're sure to discover the perfect options for your imaginative students.If you have any questions, reach out to us today! You can also browse our full inventory and order online. 
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