Marble Racetracks & Bot Mazes

Marble Racetracks & Bot Mazes
Marble Racetracks & Bot Mazes For Sale | The Classroom Store
Everyone loves a Rube Goldberg machine. Help your students start building their own with marble racetracks from The Classroom Store. Order online today.
Bring out your student's inner Rube Goldberg with exciting marble racetracks and mazes for endless creativity. With The Classroom Store's bot mazes and marble racetrack sets for sale, students can send marbles or bug robots through their own custom-built labyrinth. We have a wide range of marble racetracks and bot mazes for kids of nearly any age.




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Marble Racetracks

There's something inherently satisfying about watching a marble zip down a track at high speeds, especially if it moves through a funnel or rolls through the compartments of a gear. It's even more fun if students get to be creative and build the track themselves.
Our collection of marble racetracks includes straightforward sets with tracks and connectors so marbles can get up to high speeds. These are great for large-scale tracks and tall towers. We also have marble race kits with brightly colored, large pieces and tracks with additional components, such as corkscrew lifters, tunnels and pinwheels.
Regardless of your students' ages, marble racetracks are an excellent toy for imaginative building.

Robot Mazes

In a robot maze, students set up a pathway and obstacles using planks or plastic pieces and release a small bug-like robot that tries to make its way through the maze. Like marble racetracks, they also offer plenty of creative space and encourage students to work on their problem-solving skills. Students can decide how to help the bug along without making things too simple. Plus, it's entertaining to watch the bugs skitter across the floor.

Benefits of Mazes and Racetracks

Aside from being fun, mazes and marble racetracks for kids offer several educational and developmental benefits too:
  • Fine motor skills: Fitting all the pieces together requires fine motor skills and helps students develop their dexterity.
  • Building skills: Racetracks and mazes help develop science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) skills by having students build these structures from the ground up and watch physics in action.
  • Social skills: These products make excellent toys for small groups and can encourage collaboration and teamwork. Students may need to decide what they want the track to look like or what will make the robot or marble go faster.
  • Problem-solving skills: To get the marble or bot where they want it to be or make a certain structure work, students will need to solve problems and get creative.

Purchase Robot Mazes and Marble Racetracks From The Classroom Store

When you work with The Classroom Store, you can set your students up for success with innovative toys and classroom supplies. Racetracks and robot mazes are great for developing STEAM skills and having fun along the way. We have a wide selection of mazes and marble race tracks for sale for various ages and price ranges so you can get the right toys for your students.
If you have any questions about our marble racetrack sets or bot mazes, reach out to our team today. Browse the information on each product and order online. 
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