Crayola® Multi-Colored Glitter Crayons
Crayola Multi-Colored Glitter Crayons feature 8 vibrant, glitter-infused colors that add a sparkling finish to any project. These crayons provide smooth, consistent color with a dazzling effect, perfect for crafts, school projects, and creative fun.
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Crayola® Multi-Colored Glitter Crayons

Crayola Multi-Colored Glitter Crayons add a fun, sparkly twist to any coloring project. This set includes vibrant, glitter-infused crayons that combine rich color with a dazzling finish. The non-toxic crayons are perfect for creating eye-catching artwork.

Product ID: 43029
Sold By: Box
Brand: Crayola®
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Crayola® Multi-Colored Glitter Crayons
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